Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cambodians really aren't good hagglers

I went to Angkor Wat today. Basically it is amazing, and there were so many cute kids around selling post cards that is was hard to say no. Anybody who wants a post card - send me your address. There is enough for everyone.

I'll write more about Angkor Wat later, but I just wanted to observe again that sometimes Cambodian's really don't make good hagglers. I went to buy some water today at my hotel. The guy knew I had money and told me it would cost $4 US (I could buy the same at a fraction of the price in the supermarket in New Zealand). I told him it was too expensive, and he watched resignedly as I walked across the road and bought the exact same bottle for $1 US and came back with it.

While he never said a word, the next time I went to buy water from him, it was only a dollar (which is still inflated tourist prices but I'm happy to pay it).

Three more people tried the currency conversion trick on me this evening. Fortunately I'm a little more savvy now and am getting used to converting between Baht, US dollars and Rial on the fly, all of which are valid currency here. The nice thing about Cambodians is that when they're snapped they know it, and they just accept it and turn into lovely people again and never seem to try it on twice.


Haina said...

Hahah John perhaps you could send me one? :D Keep writing like this, you might get something published one day! I enjoyed reading it.

Unknown said...

Great to hear of your journey. I see you're really enjoying SE Asia. Are you going to get time to see China and Mongolia? Wondering what you'll be doing in the next 4 weeks. Thanks for taking the time out to write of your experiences for all to enjoy.

John Deverall said...

Hi Haina,

I will definitely send you one. I have been advised not to use the Cambodian postal service though as you will likely never get it. I will wait until I am in China before sending any post cards. :)